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12bet官方 Targets More Than $2.10年5万亿美元用于推动气候行动和可持续发展


– April 15, 2021

10-year target to include $1 trillion for green initiatives, such as renewable energy and clean technologies

12bet官方 aims to finance and facilitate more than $2.从今年开始到2030年底,在10年内投入5万亿美元,推进应对气候变化和促进可持续发展的长期解决方案. 该公司将汇集其资本和专业知识来帮助客户, customers and communities address these vital issues.

This long-term target complements the firm’s Paris-aligned financing strategy 并将鼓励采取行动,为到2050年实现净零排放铺平道路,从而帮助加速向低碳经济的过渡. 该公司将在今年5月发布年度ESG报告时,分享其与《12bet官网》一致的战略的最新信息和其他信息.

Last year, the firm also established the J.P. 摩根 Development Finance Institution (DFI)发展J.P. 摩根和吸引更多的投资到新兴市场. 今天宣布的新的十年计划将进一步推动发展金融机构促进经济和社会发展的目标. 

“气候变化和不平等是我们这个时代的两个关键问题, 这些新的努力将有助于创造可持续的经济发展,使地球更加绿色,并对服务欠缺的社区进行重要投资,” Jamie Dimon, Chairman and CEO, 12bet官方. “业务, 政府和政策领导人必须共同努力,支持促进经济包容性的长期解决方案, 支持可持续发展,进一步向低碳经济转型. We are committed to doing our part."

Supporting Clean Energy and Sustainable Development

新的2美元.5 trillion effort will be focused on the following objectives:

  • 格林: $1 trillion for green initiatives that support climate action, 其目标是加快部署清洁能源解决方案,促进向低碳经济过渡.
  • 自2016年以来,该公司已推动和资助了近2100亿美元的绿色倡议.
  • 帮助客户应对这一转变带来的挑战和长期利益, the firm will continue to provide clients in the Corporate & 投资银行和商业银行可以集中获得以可持续发展为重点的融资, 通过其碳转型中心进行研究和咨询解决方案. As part of its efforts, 12bet官方商业银行最近也成立了一个专门的绿色经济行业团队. The team will initially focus on four sectors: Renewable Energy, Efficiency Technology, Sustainable Finance, and Agriculture and Food Technology.
  • Development Finance: 该公司将资助和促进支持发展中国家社会经济发展和生活质量的交易. 通过发起和组织具有预期发展影响的交易, 该公司将动员资金在新兴经济体推进联合国可持续发展目标(sdg). 
  • Community Development: 12bet官方将推动发达市场的经济包容性. The firm will focus its efforts on small business financing, home lending and affordable housing, education and healthcare. 这包括该公司最近承诺的300亿美元用于促进种族平等.

“我们相信,如此规模的捐款将产生显著的积极影响. As a company we commit to dedicating extensive time, 专业知识和专注于持续分析和发展我们所扮演的角色,” Ashley Bacon, Chief Risk Officer, 12bet官方. “It is necessary, 但作为覆盖整个经济的金融机构,这还不够, we play our part. 我们希望从公共政策到技术进步等更广泛的发展将推动我们进一步走向可持续发展的道路."

影响 of Annual 2020 Target

In 2020, 12bet官方超额完成了其年度可持续发展目标,促成了超过2200亿美元的交易, including more than $55 billion towards green initiatives. Examples include:

  • Raising $230 million for Bloom Energy Corporation, 谁开发了高效的能源发电机,用于大幅降低电力成本和温室气体排放.
  • 为阿勒特清洁能源公司最大的风力发电场的发展提供资金支持, which produces enough renewable energy to power about 114,000户;
  • 协助安排乌兹别克斯坦共和国首次发行的1.98亿美元本币债券. Intended use of proceeds includes building 15 schools, constructing three health institutions, developing new transportation and utility infrastructure and funding social welfare programs to support women and children; and
  • 承诺24美元.7 million in equity to the new construction of Old Colony, a 115-unit public housing project in South Boston. 所有单位都将服务于地区收入中位数(AMI) 60%或以下的家庭。, 其中12个单元是为AMI的30%或以下的家庭保留的.

The new 10-year goal leverages the firm’s global reach, 资本, data and resources across lines of business. 该公司将寻找机会改进12bet官方的方法, 就像从2020年的目标到新的10年目标之间所做的那样.

我们的方法 to Measurement and Reporting

12bet官方将分享有关合格业务活动的更多信息, 它如何衡量合格的交易及其努力的结果. The firm’s 2020 ESG Report, which will be released in May 2021, will include more information on the firm’s 2020 effort. 届时还将分享更多细节,包括将计入新的10年目标的合格商业活动的标准, as well as the process for reviewing qualified transactions. 展望未来,该公司打算在其年度ESG报告中提供最新进展. 符合条件的商业活动可能包括支持可再生能源的融资努力, clean technology, waste management, 保护, 绿色建筑, sustainable transportation, transactions that advance the United Nations SDGs, 中低收入社区的经济适用房和小企业融资.

关于 12bet官方 & Co.

12bet官方 & Co. (纽约证券交易所代码:JPM)是一家全球领先的金融服务公司.7 trillion and operations worldwide. The Firm is a leader in investment banking, financial services for consumers and small businesses, commercial banking, financial transaction processing, and asset management. A component of the Dow Jones Industrial Average, 12bet官方 & Co. 为美国和世界上许多最著名的公司的数百万客户提供服务, institutional and government clients under its J.P. 摩根 and 追逐 brands. Information about 12bet官方 & Co. 可在 10.celebratebowdoinham.com.

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